About Us
An important publication for all family members in a very single but informative style. Covers Ayurved Balanced Diet, Good Moral character, Naturopathy, Yoga, Homeopathy, Psychology, Philosophy Religion and the rare& effective domestic formulas.
The main purpose of any advertisement, is admittedly to impart information, regarding the product, to the public in general and to its end users of consumers in particulars, by the process of keeping the product, name and its main features in their active mind.
If any brand/name of any particulars product comes across its consumers through the process of repeat advertisement. It thereby leaves/imprints a permanent impression upon the minds of the users and thereby a reflection is created to refer back its features, as and when consumers is in the market for the concerned product.
Arogyadham magazine has got approved circulation of 1,15,025 per issue by Registrar News Paper of India, New Delhi, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (Govt. of India 2004-05), with all India distribution. Since Arogyadham is a quarterly publication, it remains in the active and immediate view of its readers not only for three months till they get the fresh volume there of but because of the vital importance and every day use in the up keeping the family health, its subscribers often are inclined, rather obliged to retain its volumes for every granting ita place of pride in their drawingroom/ bedroom. Thereby the advertisement published herein, serves as permanent purchase reference catalogue conveniently available not only to its subscribers, but also to many other who can upon them, as this publication is often as well displayed that it hardly escapes the special attention of visitors. Thus the essential purpose of any advertisement published in Arogyadham is very well achieved. The actual statement is based upon the reports of our survey teams and therefore deserves to be believed upon while selecting media for your advertisements.
Advertisement, Harmful for Moral Character & Health, are strictly prohibited in the Magazine, therefore publisher reserves the right to delete any advertisement material in the publication.
Our Doctors

Sh. V.C. Agarwal
Founder of Arogyadham
Late Vaidaraj Ayurved Shiromani

Dr. Rakesh Agarwal
Ayurvedacharya (University of Delhi)
Chief Editor : AROGYADHAM
(National Family Health Magazine)
Managing Trustee : Arogyadham Global Aids Research Foundation
Chairman : Arogyadham & Maa Yoga Ashram

Dr. Neelam Agarwal
Ayurvedacharya (Delhi Vidyapeeth)
Gynaecologist & Infertility specialist
Author of Famous Books – “A way of perfect living and self realization” & “The New Yoga of Himalayas”

Yogi Dr. Amrit Raj
B.A.M.S. (Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Punjab)
C.C.Y. (Pune), E.R.Y.T. (Yoga Alliance U.S.A.)
Visiting Professor (D.A.I.), Newyork (U.S.A.)

Dr. Arjun Raj
Director & Consultant : Arogyadham
B.A.M.S. (Punjab University, Punjab)
C.C.Y. (Pune), L.Y.T.T. (U.S.A.)

Smt. Surbhi Agarwal
M.Sc. Home Science

Dr. Mitalee Agarwal
Gynaecologist & Infertility specialist
B.A.M.S., Patanjali, Haridwar (U.K.)